
Buyer Persona


Created based on actual buyers’ actual words, the buyer persona tells you what potential customers are thinking and doing when weighing the options to solve your business problems. 

This person is more than just a one-dimensional profile of the people you target as potential customers. Buyer personas reveal insights about your buyer’s decisions, attitudes, concerns, and specific criteria that motivate potential customers. 

Why Learn Personas

Your customer is not just a description of the attributes of the target group. Simply analysing your buyers can lead to too many people and too little marketing guidance. 

If you are aware of your buyer’s needs, not surface level, but why they have those needs then, all you have to do is Meet your buyers’ expectations. 

It is often a method of leading a thought; when you help buyers evaluate methods on their own terms, you create a bond of trust that competitors cannot match. 

It is essential to know your customers because it will help you serve them better in the long run. For example, today, there may be a need for your product in the market. But tomorrow that need changes, you will be caught off guard and be rendered out of business. 

When you know your buyers, you will be able to tell if a change is coming, hence implementing necessary steps to retain customers and gain new ones. 

Gaining that trust of availability and predictability is essential in a modern business. Your customers are not only following you because of your product but also because of what your brand represents. By buying your product, they associate with your brand, hence showing up and making the right choice for the brand becomes important. 

So think about what they look like, what does their day look like, do they keep busy, how much do they earn, can they afford your product, and will it enhance the quality of their life.

This is also a way the buyer persona comes to life because it merges with the values of your brand and the values of your potential consumer. 

So, before you jump the gun with a new socials account and post everything you know to be true for your brand, take a minute to think about how it will be perceived by your potential consumer. Ask yourself if the values you are portraying aligning with the values of the potential consumer. 

How can you learn about your buyer’s Persona?

Social Listening

This is a practice that all social media managers are encouraged to have. It is when you monitor your channels and actively listen to what your customers are and are not saying to you. It is bringing analytical and deductive skills into your socials and bridging the gap in values between your brand and the potential consumer.

Data Analysis

As a brand, through-out your customer retention funnel, all points of interaction with the consumer tells you a lot. Your Social Media Manager may also advise you to actively interact with your consumers on social media, through stories, engaging call to actions and encouraging community interaction.

Insight-led thinking

Insight is not data or a statistic. It is a grossly misused word. It is a piece of information that you deduce after analysing your data that reveals a deeper meaning about your buyer. For e.g. when an interviewer asked Netflix, who according to them was their biggest competition, they said, ‘sleep’.

This is an interesting insight because it reveals that the competition is not in the industry or a streaming rival but is a behavior that reflects their target customer. Hence, they work on a content led strategy with most of their budget being allocated to better content development, for a longer watch time and customer retention. Including Mindfulness within their streaming platform was also a strategy to retain more subscribers.

Learn ore about Branding and Marketing here:  https://h2omagazine.online/?p=1426

We are H2O Blue Life, we help brands, and people reach their personal and business goals. If you need help with branding, marketing and sales as a young or an established entrepreneur, get in touch with us today to grow your brand.

Email: info@h2omagazine.online
Website: www.h2obluelife.com

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