
Australia’s Aged Care Sector – Proposed Changes & Tips for New Businesses


Imran Hanif, CMgr, FCMI, FIML, MIPSA

The aged care industry in Australia is undergoing significant reforms following the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. The Australian Government is amending existing legislation and developing a new legislative framework to improve the funding, regulation, quality and safety of aged care services.

Some of the key changes include:

– Introducing the new Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) funding model for residential aged care, which will replace the current Aged Care Funding Instrument (ACFI) and provide more accurate and transparent funding based on the care needs of residents.

– Publishing Star Ratings to help older Australians compare residential aged care services and decide which service best fits their needs. The Star Ratings will be based on quality indicators, consumer experience and feedback, and compliance history.

– Implementing an enforceable Code of Conduct for Aged Care that will apply to approved providers and their governing persons and workforce. The Code of Conduct will set out the standards of behaviour and ethical principles that providers must adhere to, and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner will have powers to take enforcement action for substantiated breaches.

– Extending the Serious Incident Response Scheme to home care and flexible care delivered in a home or community setting. The scheme will require providers to report, manage and prevent incidents that cause harm or risk of harm to care recipients, such as abuse, neglect, exploitation or unexplained absences.

– Strengthening provider governance, including placing new reporting requirements on providers and requiring clinical expertise on their governing bodies. The new reporting responsibilities for approved providers will help older Australians and their families to better understand how providers operate, their financial performance, their staffing levels and qualifications, and their use of restrictive practices.

– Improving information sharing between regulators across the aged care, veterans’ care and disability support sectors. This will enable better coordination and collaboration among regulators to identify and address risks and issues in service delivery.

These legislative changes are part of a broader reform agenda that aims to create a more person-centred, respectful and inclusive aged care system that responds to the needs and preferences of older Australians. The Government is also developing a completely new aged care Act that will replace the current Aged Care Act 1997 and its associated principles. The new Act will be co-designed with stakeholders and will reflect the vision, principles and outcomes of the new aged care system.

The aged care industry in Australia needs to be prepared for these changes and take immediate actions to improve their service quality and safety.

Some of the actions that providers can take include:

– Reviewing their current funding arrangements and assessing their readiness for the transition to the new AN-ACC funding model. Providers can access online resources and training materials to help them understand the new model and its implications for their operations.

– Engaging with consumers and their representatives to seek feedback on their service quality and satisfaction, and using this information to improve their performance and outcomes. Providers can also participate in pilot testing of the Star Ratings system and provide input into its design and implementation.

– Familiarising themselves with the new Code of Conduct for Aged Care and ensuring that their governing persons and workforce comply with its standards and principles. Providers can also review their policies and procedures to align with the Code of Conduct and address any gaps or issues.

– Implementing effective incident management systems and practices to report, manage and prevent serious incidents in home care and flexible care settings. Providers can also access online resources and guidance materials to help them understand their obligations under the Serious Incident Response Scheme.

– Enhancing their governance structures and processes to ensure they have adequate clinical expertise, oversight and accountability for their service delivery. Providers can also improve their transparency and disclosure by reporting accurate and timely information on their operations, finances, staffing and quality indicators.

– Collaborating with other regulators across the aged care, veterans’ care and disability support sectors to share information, identify risks and issues, and coordinate responses. Providers can also engage with the Department of Health.

Tips for newly established businesses

Starting an aged care business in Australia can be a rewarding and challenging venture. Aged care is a growing industry that provides essential services to older Australians who need assistance with daily living, health care, and social support. However, it is also a highly regulated and competitive sector that requires careful planning, compliance, and management. Here are some tips for newly established aged care businesses in Australia:

Know your target market: Aged care is not a one-size-fits-all service. Different types of clients have different needs, preferences, and expectations. You need to identify your niche and tailor your services accordingly. For example, you may want to focus on home care, residential care, dementia care, palliative care, or disability care. You also need to research the demographics, income levels, and cultural backgrounds of your potential clients in your area.

Understand the legal and regulatory requirements: Aged care is governed by various laws and standards at the federal and state levels. You need to obtain the necessary licenses, accreditations, and registrations before you can operate your business. You also need to comply with the Aged Care Quality Standards, which set out the expectations for quality and safety of aged care services. You should familiarise yourself with the relevant legislation and regulations and seek professional advice if needed.

Hire and train qualified staff: Your staff are your most valuable asset in your aged care business. They are the ones who deliver the care and interact with your clients on a daily basis. You need to ensure that your staff have the appropriate qualifications, skills, and experience to provide quality care. You also need to provide them with ongoing training and development opportunities to keep them updated on best practices and industry trends. You should also foster a positive and supportive work culture that values diversity, respect, and teamwork.

Invest in technology and innovation: Technology can help you improve your efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness in your aged care business. You can use technology to streamline your operations, enhance your communication, automate your processes, and monitor your performance. You can also use technology to improve your client experience, such as by offering online booking, telehealth services, smart devices, and digital platforms. You should keep abreast of the latest technological developments and innovations in the aged care industry and adopt them where appropriate.

Build strong relationships with your stakeholders: Your success in your aged care business depends largely on your relationships with your stakeholders, such as your clients, their families, your staff, your suppliers, your competitors, and your regulators. You need to establish trust, respect, and rapport with them and maintain regular communication and feedback. You should also seek opportunities for collaboration and partnership with other organisations that share your vision and values.

Tips for aged care business in Australia for marketing their services:

Marketing your aged care business in Australia can be challenging, especially if you are new to the industry. You need to stand out from the competition and attract the attention of potential clients and their families. Here are some tips to help you market your services effectively and grow your business.

Identify your target market. Who are your ideal clients and what are their needs, preferences and expectations? What are the demographics, locations and lifestyles of your target market? How can you reach them and communicate your value proposition?

Create a strong brand identity. Your brand is more than just your logo and name. It is the personality, values and reputation of your business. You need to create a consistent and memorable brand identity that reflects your mission, vision and goals. Your brand identity should also convey trust, credibility and professionalism.

Develop a marketing strategy. A marketing strategy is a plan that outlines your goals, objectives, tactics and metrics for promoting your business. You need to consider your budget, resources and timeline for implementing your marketing activities. You also need to monitor and evaluate your results and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Use a mix of online and offline channels. Online channels include your website, social media, email marketing, online directories, blogs, podcasts, videos and webinars. Offline channels include print media, radio, TV, flyers, brochures, newsletters, events, referrals and word-of-mouth. You need to use a combination of online and offline channels that suit your target market and your marketing goals.

Provide value-added content. Content is the key to engaging your audience and building relationships with them. You need to provide useful, relevant and informative content that showcases your expertise, experience and solutions. You can use different types of content such as articles, case studies, testimonials, stories, tips, guides, FAQs and infographics.

Encourage feedback and reviews. Feedback and reviews are essential for improving your services and enhancing your reputation. You need to ask for feedback and reviews from your clients and their families regularly and respond to them promptly and professionally. You also need to showcase positive feedback and reviews on your website, social media and other platforms.

Network with other professionals. Networking with other professionals in the aged care industry can help you gain insights, referrals and partnerships. You can join industry associations, attend events, seminars and workshops, participate in online forums and groups, and collaborate with other providers on projects or initiatives.

These are some of the tips for newly established aged care businesses in Australia. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of running a successful and sustainable aged care business that meets the needs and expectations of your clients and stakeholders.


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