(Books, Short Stories, Poetry & Cartoons)
Are you feeling like all you read are just social media posts and news in tweet form?
Feel like you’re never reading anything substantial?
Anxious that your book-reading days seem long gone?
We all certainly feels like this. In this data age, our attention is split on too many platforms, and we feel that we are suffering and confused because there is simply too much information all over!
It turns out, there are major benefits of reading books and other long form articles every day.
Knowing that there were so many benefits of reading, we have to decide to reincorporate reading books into our daily life. You are going to confess yourself because results would be profound.
So what are the major conclusions ? Let’s take a look !
Reading strengthens your brain: A growing body of research indicates that reading literally changes your mind. Using MRI scans, researchers have come up with trusted sources that reading involves a complex network of circuits and signals in the brain. As your reading ability matures, those networks also get stronger and more sophisticated.
Increases your ability to empathize: Speaking of sensing pain, research has shown that people who read literary fiction stories that explore the inner lives of characters show a heightened ability to understand the feelings and beliefs of others.
Builds your vocabulary: Reading researchers as far back as the 1960s have discussed what’s known as “the Matthew effect,” a term that refers to biblical verse Matthew 13:12: “Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.”. The Matthew effect sums up the idea that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer — a concept that applies as much to vocabulary as it does to money.
Helps prevent age-related cognitive decline: The National Institute on Aging recommends reading books and magazines as a way of keeping your mind engaged as you grow older. Although research hasn’t proven conclusively that reading books prevents diseases like Alzheimer’s, studies Trusted Source show that seniors who read and solve math problems every day maintain and improve their cognitive functioning.
Prepares you for a good night’s rest: Doctors suggest reading as part of a regular sleep routine. For best results, you may want to choose a print book rather than reading on a screen, since the light emitted by your device could keep you awake and lead to other unwanted health outcomes.
It is also recommend that you read somewhere other than your bedroom if you have.
Helps improve depression symptoms: British philosopher Sir Roger Scruton once wrote, “Consolation from imaginary things is not an imaginary consolation.” People with depression often feel isolated and estranged from everyone else. And that’s a feeling books can sometimes lessen.
Experts and researchers have come up with many positive effects of book reading but unfortunately reading books & articles online on computers / laptops / tablets / smartphones are effecting our eye sight as well as contributing bad effects on our overall health.
Here are few of the books picked up by me for your reading. I hope this brings some excitement in your life.
Contributed by
Jane Elizabeth Lee
Ms Lee is a friend , a mother, a grandmother, an entrepreneur and a seasoned Editor for a prestigious Publishing House in UK. She has helped many writers in bringing out their work into this world. She looks for controversial topics and work that others reluctant to bring into limelight. If you have a story to tell she might be able to help you. You can reach out via this email : editor@strandpublishing.co.uk
Take a peek into Editor’s choice / Good Read Suggestions
ISBN: 9781907340253 Published 11 Nov 2020
Format: Paperback Number of pages: 170
Brief Description: Chance’s pen takes us to the trenches and tunnels where the horrors of subterranean warfare see brave men die valiantly. Back home in England their wives gallivant with one another and other men. Chance takes us to their sensationally intimate moments and to their husbands’ unimaginable last minutes. In the blood and gore of World War I the whims of the officer class threatens the tunnellers’ very existence – but it is that sound that imperils the lives of them all, the sound of a baby crying out there in no man’s land.
Revealing inconceivable circumstances underground and the erotically exciting moments of unbridled passion, displays much about the human spirit during the dark days of the war.
Rest in peace Johnny, in the stillness of Etaples cemetery. This novel is fiction based on actual events during The Great War 1914 – 1918
Find this on Amazon: Beneath The Poppy Field
ISBN: 9781907340222 Published 31 Mar 2019
Format: Paperback Number of pages: 900
Brief Description: An ideology has been dictating all our lives for decades, but few have even heard of it. Even fewer could explain it. Most have been brainwashed that it is the only way. Neo-liberalism has taken over the world. Imposed dishonestly, undemocratically, and by stealth, it affects every part of our lives from the cradle to the grave. Where and how we are born, educated, work, play, consume and die.
Even the afterlife has been privatised. Rob Baigent is an experienced GP. He is getting increasing despairing about the extra pathology he sees daily, which he believes is a direct result of Government policy.
He has seen his beloved NHS almost destroyed by political zealots. Rob understands the long-term clandestine plan to commercialise healthcare so that a small group make their fortunes. Why can’t others see it? Friends and colleagues ridicule his protests. Even his new wife thinks he is paranoid. But the more he looks into it, the more he grasps it goes far beyond his NHS
Find this on Amazon: The Deceit Syndrome
ISBN: 9781907340246 Published 25 May 2020
Format: Paperback Number of pages: 630
Brief Description: Beckett’s Wood is sinister and secret, the kind of place where the curse of past events spread quietly like the brambles in the undergrowth. In the first part of this gripping, three-part, bestselling novel the unsettling tale of a cyclist’s arrival in a village bordering an eerie wood sets in motion consequences that have far reaching effects on one particular person’s life and, like an anaesthetic, the village devours his will so that the curse can become all consuming.
Seemingly disconnected, part two depicts the life of David Harper as he dares to confront the abuse he receives as a boy at the hand of his mother, the kind of abuse that develops as he reaches puberty. Terrifying dreams misshape his mental health yet more, dreams that have a strange echo of a village far away.
A jolly good read from Strand Publishing UK Ltd based in England: Check out their web page for information :
Find this on Amazon: The Curse Of Beckett’s Wood